Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is it springtime yet?!?!?!

I really want to believe spring is finally here. After all, the first robins of the season showed up at my house last Friday. Plus, some irises and lilies have popped up in my front yard. They're like 2 inches tall, but at least they're there!

In an effort to speed things along, I've been doing silly things like wearing tank tops in the house, opening the slider door just a little to pretend it's warm enough to air the house out, and insisting that we get the patio table and chairs set up on the deck.

Tonight was no exception. While Rick was grilling burgers for dinner, I went out and hung some sheets on the clothesline to dry. It is, after all, a balmy 43 degrees here in Michigan, and there's a breeze, so they should dry quickly! The sun has been out for days, but it's still cold and I still have some lingering snow at my house. I just REALLY need it to be spring, though!!

Maybe this weekend the last of the snow will melt for good. I'd like the think we're done with winter - for real this time! Not like last time when we were in the 50's for a week and then "bam!" - snow and ice storm....

Gotta love Michigan!

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